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Asset management
Qualified, Accredited Investors may invest in single properties or "Private Placements" which are structured as an LLC and designed to meet specific objectives.
Investors meeting the criteria can invest in a range of offerings that provide investment diversification, tax-sheltered cash flow, long-term appreciation potential, and a relatively low initial investment.
Real Estate Syndication
Real estate syndication is a way of investing in specific real estate through a crowdfunding model. Management of the investment is the responsibility of the real estate syndication company.

Real Estate performance
Real Estate performance
S & P 500 Performance

Real estate is less volatile and has historically
outperformed the S&P 500
U.S. 10 Year Treasury Bond
Multifamily real estate has the lowest cap rates
of any real estate asset class. Which is an indicator of lower risk.

Borrowing costs to finance real estate are currently low, which increases rate of appreciation.
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: Rent of Primary Residence in U.S. City Average
Real estate appreciates in value.

Rental Vacancy Rate for the United States
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Equity Corp Group herein are open to "accredited investors" only, through an offering in accordance with Regulations D, Rule 506 (c) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. In purchasing securities through a 506 (c) offering, we are obligated to verify any participating investor's status as an "accredited investors" in accordance with Rule 501 of Regulations D. Investors should consider the investment prospectus, risk profile, charges, and expenses of the fund before subscribing. Equity Corp Group does not provide legal, financial or tax advice of any kind. If you have any questions with respect to legal, financial or tax matters relevant to your interactions with Equity Corp Group , you should consult a professional adviser. We do make any representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained on this website and retain no legal commitment to update the information. Past performance does not re